
Video Recordings


Mozart wrote the E Minor Sonata, K. 304 along with the D Major Sonata, K. 306 in Paris in the early summer of 1778. In that same year, he had previously written five sonatas for piano and violin in Mannheim. Six of these are known as the Palatine sonatas because Mozart dedicated them to Maria Elizabeth, the wife of the Elector of Palatine. All of the Palatine Sonatas, including the E minor Sonata, are in two movements. The E minor Sonata is special in many ways and considered by many the greatest of the Palatine Sonatas. 


First performance in 1912 by soloist whom it was written for, Maud Powell. It was published this same year after his death. It was performed in New York, Chicago, London and in other few locations, but it was quickly forgotten. It was in 1980 that the work was revived to mark the centenary of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, when it was played by Sergiu Schwartz.


Fritz Kreisler (February 2, 1875 – January 29, 1962) was an Austrian-born violinist and composer. One of the most famous violin masters of his or any other day, and regarded as one of the greatest violinists of all time, he was known for his sweet tone and expressive phrasing. Like many great violinists of his generation, he produced a characteristic sound which was immediately recognizable as his own. Although he derived in many respects from the Franco-Belgian school, his style is nonetheless reminiscent of the gemütlich (cozy) lifestyle of pre-war Vienna.